
Monday, March 29, 2010

pierogi night!

Yes, friends.  I really did, hand make pierogies.   What can I say... I had a craving and I was desperate.  

Being in Korea, I can't just pop into Trader Joe's, for their frozen potato cheddar pierogies and pop them into my belly.  (Yes I said, Trader Joes. I know it sounds odd, but they really are delicious.)

I also can't find an excuse to be in Seattle and drop by Piroshky Bakery.  Ahh, just thinking about that bakery is making me crave them again. 

So out of shear desperation, I pulled out my rolling pin and tried this recipe from  The pierogies turned out to be quite delightful with a 'homemade look'.  Meaning... not as aesthetically pleasing since I've never really used a rolling pin before.

We boiled them in salted water and slathered them with sour cream.  It was delicious.
The dough was really thick and chewy (not in a bad way), probably due to the fact that I didn't roll them thin enough.  Maybe?

Overall this recipe was easy and did not take too much time, which are the requirements I look for when cooking. I give it 4 1/2 stars.
Oh yeah, about a week after my pierogi experiment, I remembered that Busan has a huge Russian population and I bet I could find tasty and authentic pierogies or pirozhki there.  Dammit it! 

Pierogi Recipe 

If you're ever in Seattle. 

At a Trader Joe's near you.  Not me. :( 

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